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Sage Shaffer

Best Man

Meet my remarkable best man, Sage, who also happens to be my big brother. Together, we traversed imaginary open plains as fearless cowboys, chasing down notorious outlaws in our backyard adventures. Our shared love for GI Joes led to countless hours of imaginative play in our bedrooms and outside on the trampoline, fostering a bond that only siblings understand. Sage has always been more than just a brother; he's been a mentor and an inspiration. Even during our PlayStation battles, where victory was hard-earned and never handed out freely, he taught me the value of perseverance and resilience. Following in his footsteps became second nature to me, whether it was delving into agriculture and FFA, dancing with pretty girls on the ballroom floor, or proudly serving in the military. As I stand on the threshold of marriage, I couldn't imagine anyone else by my side on this momentous day. Sage embodies the qualities of loyalty, strength, and unwavering support, making him not just my best man, but truly the best brother a guy could ask for.

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Amber Walker

Maid of Honor

Meet Amber, my incredible adventure buddy and partner in crime. Our journey began freshman year of college at the BCM when we discovered we had a class together. Nervously, I suggested we take the bus together, not knowing what to expect. Thankfully, my fears quickly vanished as I realized Amber was anything but a weirdo – she became my trusted companion and confidante. Together, we've explored four countries, embarked on countless road trips, and created memories that will last a lifetime. I couldn't imagine navigating life's adventures without her by my side, and I am beyond thrilled to have her stand by me as my maid of honor on our special day.

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Austin Anderson


Allow me to introduce Anderson, a friend who has become more like a brother to me over the years. Our journey began in 2020, in the heart of Bahrain, where our paths crossed and an unbreakable bond was forged from the very first conversation. Over a few good ol' American beers, we delved into discussions about what defines a man and the values we hold dear, laying the foundation for a friendship built on mutual respect and understanding. Our connection was further solidified by our shared passion for western movies and the rugged, adventurous lifestyle they depict. Through countless conversations and shared experiences, Anderson and I have become pillars of support and fountains of wisdom for each other, navigating life's challenges together with unwavering camaraderie. In Anderson, I have found not just a friend, but a true brother. Our bond transcends mere friendship; it's a familial tie bound by loyalty and shared dreams. Anderson has honored me by entrusting me with the sacred role of being the godfather to his son, a testament to the depth of our relationship and the trust we share. As we look towards the future, Anderson and I share a vision of purchasing land, moving our families out there, and embracing a life aligned with the values we hold dear. Together, we aspire to live life the way we believe God intended, with integrity, purpose, and an unwavering commitment to our families. Anderson is not just a groomsman; he's a cherished confidant, a steadfast ally, and a brother in every sense of the word.

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Kinley Benton


Introducing Kinley, my wonderful bridesmaid and dear friend! Our journey began freshman year of college at South Alabama when fate brought us together as randomly assigned roommates. In reality, it was far from random – it was God answering prayers! From the moment we met, it was clear that we had a lot in common, and our friendship blossomed quickly. Over the years, we've shared countless milestones and unforgettable memories. And now, as we embark on this new chapter together, I am thrilled to have Kinley by my side once again, standing with me as a bridesmaid on our special day.

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Clayton Murray


Introducing Murray, a friend who has become an indispensable part of my life journey. Our paths crossed in Bahrain, where fate brought us together on the same post. As we navigated the challenges of our shared assignment, we found common ground in our Texas roots, our involvement in agriculture and FFA, and our shared disdain towards the government. Through countless conversations about our upbringing, interests, and political views, Murray and I realized that we were cut from the same cloth. Our bond deepened as we weathered storms together, facing both triumphs and trials with unwavering solidarity. Murray isn't just a friend; he's a kindred spirit, a brother from another mother. Together, we share a dream of trading the hustle and bustle for the tranquility of ranch life on an open piece of land. He's the missing piece of the puzzle in the shared vision of building a future rooted in simplicity and authenticity. While we may not share a bloodline, our bond runs deeper than mere genetics. Murray is family in every sense of the word, and I have no doubt that we would stand by each other's side through thick and thin, ready to face any challenge that comes our way. In Murray, I've found not just a groomsman, but a lifelong brother, whose unwavering loyalty and friendship I cherish beyond measure. Together, we're not just dreaming; we're building a future grounded in mutual respect, shared values, and the enduring strength of our bond.

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Madelyn Moore


Introducing, Madelyn, my dear friend from college and bridesmaid! Her intelligence and caring nature shine through in every interaction. Whether offering sage advice or lending a comforting shoulder to lean on, Madelyn's unwavering support has been a constant source of strength for me. I am incredibly grateful to have her as a friend, and I am honored to have her stand by my side as a bridesmaid on our special day.

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Elijah Spurlock


Allow me to introduce Eli, not just a groomsman, but my oldest and one of my dearest friends. Our friendship traces back to the days when we were both awkward and young, sharing the same height and the same mischievous spirit. Together, we've embarked on countless adventures, creating memories that span a lifetime. From moments of triumph to times of adversity, Eli has been a constant presence by my side, a testament to his unwavering loyalty and steadfast friendship. Eli is the epitome of loyalty; he doesn't just talk the talk, he walks the walk. His commitment to our friendship is unwavering, and he holds the value of camaraderie in the highest regard. In a world where true friendship can be rare, Eli stands out as a beacon of authenticity and reliability. I shudder to think where I would be without Eli by my side. He's not just a friend; he's family. And to all the ladies out there, take note: Eli is not only an incredible friend but also a catch, single and ready to mingle. So, if you're looking for someone who embodies loyalty, integrity, and a wicked sense of humor, look no further than Eli. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

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Breanna Valadez


Introducing, Bre, my cherished friend from high school and bridesmaid! Our bond began on the basketball court during high school. Since then, we've been inseparable best friends. When track season rolled around, we would tackle every tough hurdle workout together, and she would be waiting for me at the end of every race. Bre is the best supporter and has the biggest, most contagious smile. Together, we've shared countless laughs, weathered life's changes, and supported each other through the tough times. Bre's sweetness and unwavering friendship mean the world to me, and I am honored to have her as a bridesmaid on our special day.

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William Gore


Meet Will, a remarkable individual whose journey with me began in high school. From the very moment we crossed paths, a deep and lasting friendship was forged. Our connection transcended mere camaraderie, evolving into a partnership that extended beyond school and into work. But it wasn't just work that brought us together; everyday we would meet after school at the gym, striving for self-improvement. Will always pushed me to do my best. Our paths diverged briefly while we both served our country, yet even oceans apart, our friendship remained steadfast. Through letters, calls, and occasional reunions, we found solace in the enduring connection we shared, rooted in mutual respect and admiration.

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Summer Knight


Introducing Summer, my amazing younger sister and bridesmaid! She can rock any outfit and is so creative, but most of all she is independent and strong. With her by my side, I know I have a loyal and fearless ally who will support me through thick and thin. I am thrilled to have Summer as a bridesmaid on our special day.

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Andy Shelton


Andrew (Andy) and I met each other through Will. Andy is one of the wisest friends I have and has always been that way as long as I can remember. He would give me the shirt off of his back and I’d do the same for him. Loyalty is a word we both take to heart and he proves it all the time. Through the years of not getting to see each other he always makes a point to reach out and check in. We both are impressed that we’ve gotten this far in life— I mean, the dude’s a freaking helicopter pilot in the army (take note ladies). We look forward to the time we can all get together and share all the new memories we’ve made and reminisce on the journey we’ve been on together.

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Sunny Knight


Introducing Sunny, my youngest sister and bridesmaid! No matter what life throws our way, I know Sunny will always have my back. I am beyond grateful to have her as my sister and honored to have her stand by me as a bridesmaid on our special day.

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Jamie Scott & Sidney Scott

Ring Bearer & Ring Wrangler

Our ring bearer will be our adorable baby nephew, Jamie! With his charming smile and tiny hands, he will be entrusted with the important duty of carrying our precious rings down the aisle. Assisting him will be his loving mom, Sidney (Sierra's older sister). Together, they'll make sure our rings arrive safely. Get ready to witness a moment filled with cuteness and joy as Sidney and Jamie play their special roles on our big day!

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Kai Tracy & Savannah Tracy

Flower Girl & Petal Pusher

Introducing our darling, newborn, flower girl, Kai! Cradled in the loving arms of her mom, Savannah (Sierra's oldest sister), Kai will be making her debut down the aisle. While she may be small, her presence will certainly be mighty as she adds an extra dose of sweetness to our celebration. Join us in welcoming Kai and Savannah as they grace us with their love and tenderness, creating unforgettable memories as they walk beside us on this journey of love and unity.

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Geoff Shaffer


It is with immense pride and joy that I introduce the officiant of our wedding, my father, Geoff Shaffer. To me, he is more than just a father; he is my hero, my mentor, and the unwavering pillar of strength upon which I've leaned throughout my life's journey. From a young age, my dad has been the epitome of what it means to be a role model. He didn't just teach my brother and me how to work hard and treat others with kindness and respect; he instilled in us the values of love, faith, and integrity. His guidance has shaped not just our actions, but our very essence as individuals. My dad taught me the importance of carrying myself with pride, knowing that I bear the Shaffer name, a name synonymous with honor and dignity. He encouraged me to strive for excellence in all that I do, to leave a positive impact wherever I go, and to never forget the values that define our family. Asking my dad to officiate our wedding was a moment filled with excitement and gratitude. To have him play such a significant role in this momentous occasion is a testament to the profound impact he has had on my life. I can only hope to emulate even a fraction of the man, husband, and father that he is. I am honored to have my dad stand before us as not only the officiant but also a shining example of love, devotion, and unwavering support. Dad, thank you for everything you've done and continue to do. I am endlessly grateful for your presence in my life.